Desinformation and media literacy Citizens’ seminar and press conference in Vilnius (Lithuania)

On September 22, an international event – citizens’ seminar and press conference – was held in Vilnius. The purpose of the event is to introduce participants and the public to the dangers of disinformation and the benefits of media literacy through a variety of media channels, as well as based on the work of international and governmental organizations, present practices for disinformation recognition and critical media use. In addition to the representatives of Tavo Europa who organized the event, representatives from other partner organizations – Altius Foundation (Spain), EIC (Bulgaria), BIDA e. V. (Germany), Foundation 1948 (Cyprus), TERA (France), AENAO (Greece) and MVNGO (Italy) also took a part in the event.
The international event consisted of two parts – in the first part, representatives of the partner countries shared their countries’ experiences – presented specific examples of disinformation, revealed good practices on how to fight against disinformation and media illiteracy. Each presentation was followed by a short discussion and questions. Their abundance confirmed the relevance and sensitivity of this topic.
In the afternoon, local experts representing different organizations and institutions operating in Lithuania participated in the event. Rūta Beinoriūtė, attaché of the Strategic Communication Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, spoke on the topic “From YOU to the EU: Who does what in fighting disinformation?”, Gintarė Sereikaitė-Motiejūnė, Junior Assistant at the Asian and Transcultural Studies Institute of Vilnius University, revealed the importance of intercultural relations, speaking “Navigating the Waves of Moral Panic: Exploring Attitudes Towards Muslims in Lithuanian Society and Media.”, finally, Lukas Andriukaitis, Civic resilience initiative specialist, provided practical advice, presenting “The fight against disinformation: Open resources”. After each presentation, the listeners were given the opportunity to ask their questions.
In general, the audience evaluated the event positively. A diverse approach to the topic revealed its multifaceted nature. A large number of young people gathered at the event had the opportunity to hear examples from real life and receive practical advice on how to develop resistance to misinformation and be able to use social networks responsibly.
Based on the results of the event, the organization Tavo Europa continues cooperation with various institutions and organizations of the country, spreading valid knowledge on the topic of disinformation and media literacy, aiming for positive changes in society.