Migration and Security (Round Table and study visits in Nicosia, Cyprus)

Migration and Security
The EU is developing a common migration and asylym policy wchich involves protecting people in need of shelter, saving lives at sea and securing the EU´s external borders , guaranteeing free movement (Shengen area) and improving a better integration of non-EU nationals into Europe.
The Commission takes strong action to prevent irregular migration through ensuring that each EU country controls its own portion of EU’s external borders. Commission actions also aim to reinforce the effectiveness of EU’s migration management system and to ensure that fundamental rights of migrants are respected also ensures all EU countries fully implement the Common European Asylum System(CEAS) as well as promotes legal migration of persons with skills needed in Europe fights againts irregular migration, smuggling, etc.
The past year has shown the EU’s capacity to act as a Union of determination and solidarity to address the constantly shifting challenges and opportunities of migration towards our continent working with international partner as global leader and donor in improving the protection and assistance to forcibly displaced people and their hosts, saving lives and laying the foundations for durable solutions. At the same time, there has been progress in addresing issues of returns, readmission, border management and smuggling networks in partnerships with key third countries thar reflect a balance of their needs and EU interests.
Europe has offered an unprecedented welcome to millions of people come fom the Russian war against Ukraine through the activation of the first Temporary Protection Directive; the setting up of a solidarity platform;etc.
Third meeting of the ACT Stronger EU project led by the Altius Foundation, held in Nicosia (Cyprus)Immigration and security in Europe.
On 20-21 April, the Altius Foundation Spain, leader of the project “Active European Citizens for a Stronger EU”, took part in the third working meeting to discuss migration and security in Europe. Immigration and security are issues of concern to citizens of all member states so partners from Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Lithuania have presented the current situation and opinions on how immigration affects their daily lives, employment, education, integration, etc. and how the government at national, regional and local level develops participation and integration of immigrants.
The event included a series of presentations on the current immigration landscape in Cyprus by the Cyprus Refugee Council, una ccompanied minors and the situation for children by the NGO Hope for Children and the testimony of Panagiotis Chatzikostis from working with refugees.