Citizens’’ Forum on Climate Change and Environment International in-situ event and study visits in Thessaloniki, Greece

Climate change is happening today, so we have to build a more resilient tomorrow. The world has just concluded the hottest decade on record during which the title for the hottest year was beaten eight times. People, planet and prosperity are vulnerable to climate change, so we need to prevent the un-adaptable and adapt to the un-preventable.
Climate change impacts are having far-reaching effects inside and outside the Union. Water shortages in the EU have affected economic activities as diverse as agriculture, aquaculture, tourism, power plant cooling, and cargo shipping on rivers. It affects not only the economy, but also the health and well-being of Europeans, who increasingly suffer from heat waves.
Europe is rising to meet the climate challenge. The EU committed to climate neutrality by 2050 and a more ambitious emissions reduction target of at least 55% by 2030. but what do citizens think about environment protection and climate change in each country?
Participants from eight Member States have participated at the Citizens´Forum on climate change and environment in Thessaloniki,Greece(13-15 December 2022) could debate on climate change, air pollution , renewable energy, green deal, quality of life or how citizens are taking action againts climate change from point of views of their countries.
Looking forward to the next International ACT Stronger Event!